How to Become a Somatic Coach: Step-by-Step Guide

Are you someone who aspires to guide people through transformative self-awareness and growth? Does somatic coaching sound like something you want to explore?

If so, then this is the place for you. We’re breaking it all down for you – the fundamentals, essential techniques, must-have skills, best certifications, income potential, and tips to start your own business.

Buckle up for the mind-body coaching ride of your life!

In brief, To become a high-earning somatic coach, you need to focus on:
  • 🔍 Somatic Coaching Overview: It combines coaching with body practices. It shows body, mind, spirit connection.
  • 🌱 Core Principles: Emphasizes body awareness. Deals with stress/trauma through mind-body healing.
  • 🔧 Techniques: Body tracking, grounding, pendulation, titration, sequencing, body resourcing.
  • 🧘 Exercises: Breathing, boundary setting, movement/dance, exploring senses, visualizing emotions.
  • 🤲 Needed Skills: Empathy, mindfulness, effective communication.
  • 🎓 Certifications: Our top 3 picks for the somatic coaching certification programs.
  • 💰 Income: Average earnings range, i.e., $70,000 to $100,000, explained.
  • 🚀 Starting a Somatic Coaching Business: Defining specialty, legal/financial planning, web presence, networking, launching services.

What Is Somatic Coaching?

The journey to becoming an exceptional coach starts with a solid foundation. You must first understand the basics and guiding principles.

So, let’s start from the beginning.

Somatic coaching represents a relatively new area in the coaching world. It is gaining more attention for its unique outlook on healing and personal transformation. It combines standard, traditional coaching methods with practices that focus on the body.

Let me explain this very briefly to you.

The word ‘somatic’ simply means that a person is fully aware of themselves. Body, soul, and spirit. These are not separate components.

It looks at the way our bodies hold onto memories, emotions, and traumas. These stored experiences can influence our growth and development.

Somatic coaches listen to the body’s signals. They use this information to assist their clients in discovering more about themselves. People who have this view are more likely to see each other as whole—thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Core Principles Of Somatic Coaching

There are many fundamental principles in somatic coaching. Practitioners around the world continue to make huge leaps in this field. Yet, there are core principles that continue to remain popular.

I’ll talk about these two core principles below:

1. Somatic Awareness

Somatic awareness simply means experiencing your body as a whole. It means recognizing what your body is trying to tell you. It gives importance to the idea that your body, mind, and spirit are in tandem. They are a union.

They are within you and are working with each other. Your whole body is communicating with you.

Many refer to this as a psycho-biological method to relieve any negative impact. That is, of course, true, but there is more.

It simply cannot be explained to another person. It has to be experienced, and you need to be a part of each other’s lives to recognize it.

Somatic awareness is key to understanding yourself on both physical and spiritual levels. It is the first step in reaching your embodied self.

2. Addressing Stress And Trauma

Somatic coaching works on the principles of somatic therapy. This approach is based on the belief that sometimes bad feelings or trauma get stuck in our bodies. This can make us feel bad mentally and physically, too.

Traumatic events can create negative beliefs deep in our subconscious. People might start developing limiting beliefs like “I’m a failure” or “I’m not good enough.

To counteract these negative patterns, somatic coaching offers a holistic approach. It emphasizes the importance of connecting bodily sensations with emotional experiences.

For example, the concept of “somatic experiencing” by Dr. Peter Levine has gained attention in recent research. This approach investigates its effectiveness in aiding individuals with PTSD and depression.

It centers on recognizing how traumatic memories trigger stress responses in our bodies. Specialized techniques are utilized to help people find calm and manage their emotions. This demonstrates somatic coaching’s role in linking physical sensations to emotional healing.[1]

Is Becoming a Somatic Coach Your Calling?

Based on our observations, determining if somatic coaching is the right path for you involves careful reflection. Consider your coaching philosophy and your clients’ needs.

Let’s delve into what this entails:


Are you fascinated by how our minds and bodies connect?

Somatic coaching focuses on the relationship between the mind and body.

It goes beyond just knowing about these connections. It involves using them actively to help people grow and heal.


Do you want to help people grow and feel better?

Coaching transforms lives. It helps people see their true potential and navigate life smoothly and confidently.

As a somatic coach, your role will be to help and lead people through tough changes.


Are you ready to learn and grow yourself?

Training to be a somatic coach means you’ll be doing a lot of self-discovery and learning. This includes ongoing learning, self-reflection, and being open to feedback. Your own journey of self-discovery and healing is an essential part of becoming an effective coach.


Does this career fit with what you want in life?

Think about whether the job of a somatic coach matches your personal values and the lifestyle you want.

Ask yourself if coaching is just your passion or do you want to turn it into a rewarding profession as well.

If your answer to the above questions is yes, a career in somatic coaching just might be calling your name. Read on to find out how you can enrich your journey to become a coach.

6 Must-Know Somatic Coaching Techniques

Somatic coaching uses different ways to help people understand their feelings and get through tough times.

We’ve cherry-picked a few special techniques that you can incorporate into your coaching practice. It will help your clients deal with their emotional and physical problems better.

Somatic Coaching Techniques

1. Somatic Tracking

This technique is also called body awareness. It involves paying attention to your body and noticing areas where you feel tense or relaxed.

It’s like becoming a detective of your own body. Understand how emotions show up physically, and use that awareness for healing.

2. Grounding

Grounding is about creating a direct bond with the earth or your surroundings. This connection aims to soothe your nervous system. It’s like planting your feet firmly on the ground to feel more stable and less caught up in stress or trauma.

3. Pendulation

Pendulation is the act of shifting your focus between distressing feelings and those that are calmer and more comfortable. It’s a way to gently work through trauma without becoming overwhelmed.

Derived from the concept of physics of the same name, pendulation is labelled as one of the core trauma healing models.

4. Titration

Titration means slowly processing traumatic memories into small, manageable parts. It’s like diluting a strong emotion with care, so it becomes easier to handle.

Titration is also used in trauma therapy. It fosters healing without overwhelming the psyche.

5. Sequencing

Sequencing is tracking the order in which your body experiences tension and release.

It helps understand how you physically move through emotional release. It is like mapping the journey of stress leaving your body.

6. Somatic Resourcing

Resourcing is about identifying things that make you feel safe and supported. It’s like having a toolkit of emotional support that you can turn to in tough times. It keeps you grounded.

5 Best Somatic Coaching Exercises

Somatic coaching exercises bring together the mind, body, and spirit. This integration supports profound personal growth and development.

Through these practices, your clients can better connect with their physical sensations. This connection boosts emotional regulation and self-awareness.

Below, we list five somatic coaching exercises. Each is crafted to enhance balance, presence, and overall well-being:

Somatic Coaching Exercises

1. Breathing Exercises

Deep breathing exercises aim to lower stress. They do this by training you to breathe more slowly and deeply. This signals your body to relax, reducing feelings of anxiety and stress. It’s like telling your body, “It’s okay to calm down.”

2. Boundary Development

Learning to set personal boundaries involves understanding your own limits. It also includes sharing these limits with others. This helps you feel safer and more respected. It’s especially helpful in managing stress and healing from trauma.

3. Movement and Dance

Encouraging clients to take part in movement and dance helps them express and release emotions. This promotes self-discovery.

It also helps clients connect with their bodies. These activities help them explore and release buried emotions through nonverbal expression​.

4. Sensory Exploration

Engaging with the senses can deepen awareness of bodily sensations, emotions, and the environment. This practice fosters mindfulness.

It aids in emotional regulation and stress relief as well. This can be achieved by concentrating on one sense at a time or by integrating several senses.

5. Visualization of Emotions

This method involves selecting an emotion to concentrate on. Notice how this emotion shows up in the body.

Clients are guided to imagine colors in areas affected by this emotion. This helps in recognizing and understanding the underlying feelings​.

3 Soft Skills Required for Somatic Coaching

Stepping into the world of somatic coaching requires more than just technical know-how; it demands a set of soft skills that are crucial for facilitating deep, transformative work. These skills are the bridge between knowledge and application, enabling coaches to connect with their clients on a profound level.

To be good at somatic coaching, there are three important skills you need:

Soft Skills Required for Somatic Coaching

1. Empathy

Empathy involves actively listening to the client. You watch how they move and express themselves. You also pay attention to what they’re feeling.

It establishes a trusting environment where the coached individual feels safe and supported.

It’s really important to understand how other people feel. You empathize with their emotions, allowing for a real connection. This genuine comprehension aids in providing effective support.

2. Mindfulness

You need to be fully present and focused during your coaching sessions. This means paying attention to what’s happening right now, both with you and the person you’re coaching.

Being mindful helps you notice and respond to what the person needs in the moment.

3. Effective Communication

It’s crucial to talk in a way that’s easy for the person you’re coaching to understand. You should listen well and speak with clarity to help guide them on their journey.

Good communication allows you to express your thoughts in a helpful and supportive manner.

From what I’ve seen firsthand, it is better to pose open-ended questions to your clients. It helps establish a strong connection.

Somatic Coaching Certifications

Are you wondering if you need a certification to become a somatic coach? The short answer is no.

Coaching is still an unregulated industry. Having a certification can certainly boost your credibility with your clients. Although it’s not mandatory.

That said, if you’re interested in learning somatic coaching formally, you’re in luck. I’ve gathered a list of top-notch courses in the field for you to consider:

Top 3 Somatic Coaching Certifications

There are many courses and training institutes worldwide that specialize in somatic coaching. Below, I have listed my top list:

1. Strozzi Institute Somatic Coaching Certification

Strozzi Institute Somatic Coaching Certification

This program focuses on embodied leadership and personal mastery. It integrates physical practices with coaching and leadership development.

The course offers a blend of in-person and online learning. There’s a strong emphasis on body awareness and somatic exercises.

  • Course Length: 8 months
  • Program Cost: $14,950
  • Accreditation: Not explicitly mentioned
  • Mode of Delivery: Hybrid (online and in-person sessions)

2. The Somatic School’s Coaching Certification Program

The Somatic School's Coaching Certification Program

This program offers a holistic approach to somatic coaching. It combines theoretical knowledge with practical tools and techniques.

It focuses on developing a deep understanding of the body-mind connection.

  • Course Length: Typically ranges from 6 to 12 months
  • Program Cost: $7,180
  • Accreditation: Level 2 accreditation by the International Coaching Federation.
  • Mode of Delivery: Primarily online, with some programs offering in-person workshops

3. The IWA Integrative Somatic Practitioner Certification Course

The IWA Integrative Somatic Practitioner Certification Course

This training program focuses on bodywork principles like muscle and bone studies. It teaches the skills needed to guide clients using body-focused methods.

The course includes learning in various ways. You’ll engage in personal practice and work in groups with other students. Also, you’ll complete specific one-on-one sessions.

  • Duration of the Course: Maximum of 6 months
  • Cost of the Program: $1,200
  • Accreditation Status: Not accredited
  • Delivery Method: Entirely online

How Much Does a Somatic Coach Earn?

This is among the first questions my clients ask. And, rightly so!

Today, a somatic coach earns anywhere between $40 and $100 per hour. This rate depends on the coach’s experience, skills, and exposure in the field. As time goes on, many successful coaches charge more and build a bigger business.

On average, the annual income of a somatic coach can range anywhere from $70,000 to $100,000. However, this is not an upper limit.

Many coaches broaden their reach in several ways. They write featured articles and publish books. They give talks and create workshops. Additionally, they train new coaches.

With an ever-expanding need for somatic coaches, your net worth is only bound to grow every day.

How to Start A Somatic Coaching Business

Now that you have the knowledge to become a somatic coach, the next step is clear. You need to figure out how to start your own practice. To briefly cover it, here’s what you’ll need:

1. Define Your Niche

Who can benefit from Somatic Coaching

First, decide on your specialty in the wide-ranging field of somatic coaching. This could include corporate clients, athletes, or people facing stress or trauma.

Knowing the particular needs of your target group helps you customize your services. This also makes your marketing more effective.

Start by choosing a business structure, such as a sole proprietorship or LLC. This choice affects your legal protection and tax advantages. Next, get professional liability insurance to protect against claims.

Then, open a business bank account. Make sure to monitor your expenses closely. Planning for taxes is also crucial. Consider consulting an accountant who understands small businesses for guidance.

3. Build Your Brand And Online Presence

Begin by building a professional website. Add active social media profiles to display your services, background, and client testimonials.

Use content marketing to share your knowledge. This can include blog posts, videos, and podcasts. These efforts help you establish your expertise in somatic practices.

4. Networking And Partnerships

Join somatic practice groups and participate in workshops. Also, get involved with the local wellness community.

Build connections with professionals such as therapists, wellness coaches, and yoga studios. These relationships can lead to client referrals.

5. Launch Your Services

Start by hosting introductory workshops or offering free sessions. This helps spark interest and allows you to collect feedback.

Then, use this client feedback to improve your services and methods. Make sure your offerings effectively meet your audience’s needs.

Building a business in a field you’re passionate about might seem easy, but it comes with its fair share of obstacles.

It might seem big and a bit scary, but you’ve got support. We’re here to help you make a business that changes lives and makes you money.

Let’s take it step by step and make sure you have everything you need to start strong.


As a coach, it’s crucial to have the right resources at your fingertips. We’ve put together a curated list to support your mental health coaching journey. This list includes apps, books, and podcasts.

These resources aim to help your clients. They support the development of deeper self-awareness, resilience, and transformation.


  • UCLA Mindful: This app comes from UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center. It provides meditations in both English and Spanish. Its focus is on different mindfulness practices. It includes basic and advanced options without any cost​​.
  • Headspace: This platform is recognized for being welcoming to beginners. It features a broad selection of guided meditations and mindfulness exercises. It has a free basic version, with more features available in the paid version​.



  • 10 Minute Mindfulness Meditation | Letting Go: In this video, Tamara Levitt leads a brief mindfulness meditation. The session focuses on releasing stress and unwanted thoughts. It’s a part of the Daily Calm series, providing a mix of meditation and inspiration​​.
  • 10-Minute Meditation For Healing: Narrated by John Davisi, this video provides a brief meditation designed to promote healing. It especially targets emotional and psychological well-being​​.
  • Healing Trauma Sleep Meditation | Mindful Movement: This sleep meditation is designed to help heal past trauma. It uses mindfulness exercises and positive affirmations. The goal is to aid recovery from stress and trauma-related problems.



So now you know the ins and outs of somatic coaching. Remember, it’s all about connecting the mind and body to foster healing and growth.

As you embark on this journey, consider the techniques and insights shared here. These are tools to enhance your practice and help your clients find deeper self-awareness and resilience.

Now let me ask you: which technique did you find most intriguing? How do you plan to integrate them into your coaching practice?

Are there any insights from this guide that resonated with you or sparked a new idea?

Drop your thoughts and questions in the comment section below.

I’m eager to engage with them and hear what you think!


  1. Brom D, Stokar Y, Lawi C, Nuriel-Porat V, Ziv Y, Lerner K, Ross G. Somatic Experiencing for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Outcome Study. J Trauma Stress. 2017 Jun;30(3):304-312. doi: 10.1002/jts.22189. Epub 2017 Jun 6. PMID: 28585761; PMCID: PMC5518443.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Somatic Coaching?

Somatic Coaching is a way to remove blocks to performance and change negative beliefs. It is one of the most effective ways to increase confidence, love of learning and achieve goals.

What do somatic coaches do?

A somatic coach helps to access the core of trauma, loss or pain in order to create a new experience, new information or new healing.

The purpose of a somatic experience is to create a new experience, event or pattern, to change your limiting beliefs. By helping let go of the old and move on, the somatic coach helps you to get in touch with your feelings, with your body sensations and your inner self so that the problems of the past are transformed.

How much does a Somatic Coach earn?

The salary of a somatic coach varies. It depends on how much the client is willing to pay.

Somatic coaching is a growing field and the quality of coaches varies greatly. Some coaches are charging as low as $40 per session and others $100 per session.


1 Comment

1 thought on “How to Become a Somatic Coach: Step-by-Step Guide”

  1. Hi Saba,
    You asked a great question. The purpose of coaching courses and training’s is different. A coaching course starts with basics and will help you cover the blind spots you might have missed. Then you can move ahead with training programs that will hone your skills according to your needs. It depends on you really, whether you respond to selective learning better or a basic course that everything. As for the costs, it would depend on the program you are seeking.


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