The Secret To Using Facebook To Bring In Clients

Your Clients Are Your Everything

So deal with them carefully

Ah man I hate saying goodbyes.

It is time to wind up my Bogor trip.

What an absolutely amazing experience it has been!!

I feel physically, spiritually and mentally refreshed.

Seriously … just find out where the nearest wildlife reserve is and make plans to go there right NOW.

You may think of it as a waste of time and whatever… but trust me…

When you see something like this:


When you see this kind of beauty …It just makes everything I do so much more worth it!!

To have the freedom to go and see places like this anytime I want?

Are you kidding me!! 😀

So as I was packing up and preparing for my return journey to Bali I decided to go through some of the pics that I had clicked of this particular adventure.

For some reason this one stuck out to me:


Now that’s one sick looking spider!!

What a terrifying yet beautiful creature!!

Spiders have fascinated me for a long long time…and no…it is not just because of spiderman…though I do admit he has had a big part to play in it.

Yes..his “swag” is indeed too loud.

Anyway…let’s look at what a spider does that makes it so unique.

This is a creature which creates highly intricate and complex webs to catch its prey.

Insects get fascinated by the web and as they are drawn closer and closer..


They get stuck.

Now imagine one thing… what if..hypothetically speaking of course…. We have a place which is devoid of insects (good lord won’t that be a wonderland?).

And what if the spider decides to put a web there.. what happens?

The web is wasted.

All that work and effort that went into creating it….all wasted.

Now I am not saying that your relationship with your client is equivalent to that of a spider and its prey! In fact it’s pretty much the polar opposite.

But I guess, there are lessons to be learnt everywhere… right?

What did you learn from my creepy looking friend?

It doesn’t matter how intricate and absorbing your product is if you do not impart your knowledge to the right people!

So, let me ask you something that is super important..

Were you ever a Bruce Lee fan?

If your answer is “no” then I am sorry we can’t be friends.

Hahah just kidding but let’s face it… we were all intrigued by that man at one point in our life?

So one of Bruce lee’s many teachers was the famous Wing Chun practitioner Ip Man.

So there were a series of movies loosely made on his of them was “Ip Man: The Final Fight”.

There is this quote in that movie that I love.. I can’t remember exactly but I will paraphrase:

It’s much more difficult for a teacher to get a good student than it is for a student to get a good teacher.

So initially when I was desperate to get a client list I googled for a list and started promoting my product using that list.

Guess how many responses I got?


I mean I can’t really blame them now can I?

Why in the blue hell will they respond to my letters?

They met none of the conditions required for a client to have a healthy relationship with the coach!

  1. They didn’t know me.
  2. They didn’t trust me.
  3. They didn’t like me.

As you can see.. all those 3 conditions are tied to each other. You cannot have one without the other two.

So even though I had a good product in a good niche… I didn’t have the right audience to interact with!

My “web”, so to speak, was a waste.

It was only after a lengthy introspection and lots of trial and error that I finally found the proper method to find my amazing clients.

It will be near impossible to detail how exactly to do that…but I will give you a little hint:

Social Media!

Or to be more exact, facebook!

Now… because of the lack of space it won’t be possible for me to tell you the method…but do one thing.

Go down at the end and click on the link their…you will be able to take my seminar and get my free newsletters.. I have detailed the method there.

Anyway…I really do owe everything that I have in my life right now to these revelations.

This has led me down a path full of happiness and enrichment.

I have had some special things happen to me and I have met some truly special people in the way.

Some a little bit more special than the others!!


Its been a great experience thus far.. with many more amazing experiences yet to come!!!

I truly hope that you begin your adventure soon….trust me…it is so worth it!!

[box type=”bio”] If you think that you have gained something from this article or that you will gain something from the future articles then do share this with your friends and family.

I want everyone to gain something from my blog…that is the sole mission and purpose of this endeavour. So spread the love!! More the better!

If you are a coach and are looking to build a super sexy coaching program or if you feel that you have a great coach residing inside you and looking for ways to start walking on the path then I have an event which you will love.

Its called:

‘How To Turn Your Coaching Into An Inspirational Business Which Does $4,000 – $5,000 A Month’



1 Comment

1 thought on “The Secret To Using Facebook To Bring In Clients”

  1. I am trying to register to the seminar but that is a error on the next page after I put my name and e-mail.
    Is there any other form of registration?
    Thank you

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